爱噪音-We all love noise right?

So what makes the difference in a tiny tiny narrow city of 6 milion of citizens?
scrivete quello che volete al massimo censuro!! no, non sono per niente democratica e me ne sbatto!
Dear All,
Ebbene sì. Mi sto astenendo da tutto ciò che mi rendeva smodatamente viziosa.
Déjame vivir
Actually I was thinking about the bitter taste. I'm sure I have a quite right theory about that. When we are kids we love the sweetest tastes ever seen in the world since sugar was discovered, but than we grow up and we start to know that bitter exists as a taste that you can feel with your tongue, but occasionaly only with that. So I think we are around the 18 years-old. Let's try to imagine and remember the first time we ate something, or maybe better we have been hit by something, BITTER. I believe that it's because if it doesn't hurt, we don't like it. Maybe it's cause of Catholicism, but it always works like this: first suffer, than you'll get what you deserve. Today I didn't put sugar in my coffee, and after half a mug I realized that it was lovely bitter and maybe I'll take it more often without. The same happened years ago with chocolate now if it's not 70% at least I don't even smell it.
Tv: regali segreti a Berlusconi - 8-10-07